
I don't want to go to school.....

Today Miss Kate didn't want to go to school.
Why you wonder? After missing two days of school with an amazingly awful cough,(caused by allergies...I promise she's not dying). I couldn't figure out what the problem was. She loves her home room teacher Mrs. Garrison, and all of the other teachers for her other classes.
Was today gym? That would make me not want to go to school. Yes mom, (include eye roll here) today's gym but that's okay can you just write me a note.
Okay so what's your problem?
Yep, I'm a super sensitive mom. She was running late and I was already running out of patience. That's when the tears started. She didn't want to go to recess.
Recess? Who doesn't want to go to recess!
Well a little girl who's three best friends moved last year. Yes, she has other friends but they have other friends too. Three girls is not always the easiest. Not to mention that Kate has inherited a few of her mom's bossy, rule making genes. I gave her some tips on how to let other people make the rules. One of the most important being, play the game that they are already playing. She came home this afternoon to tell me how great a day she had. She played with her friends and all is right with the world.
I was thinking about friends. I am blessed to have a lot of amazing friends. When John and I were talking about Kate. He reminded me that I have a lot of friends for all of the different sides of me. I've never been the most "popular". I just didn't care. I'm glad that my mom reinforced that it was good to be different, because boy am I. I am amazed that I have church friends, crafty friends, garden friends, book reading friends, friends with kids, artsy friends. I hope that my girls will be able to have a lot of friends. It's hard sometimes, we girls get hurt our feelings hurt so easily. But I have to say having a bunch of girlfriends is way better than just one.


Unknown said...

I love you friend!!!

Leslie said...

Susan, I am so lucky to be considered one of your friends. Thank you sooo much for yesterday, you truly are a blessing in my life.