
Blue Grass Island

Do you love to go exploring? There aren't enough places where you can wander. I'm all about staying on the marked trails but every once in a while it's fun to explore. We went exploring in Maumee this weekend. John and I have always enjoyed Side Cut Park. We frequently went on dates there to wander around on the trails. I can tell you seventeen years ago I would have never imagined us taking the same walks with three little ladies along for the ride. I'll let you in on a secret. The river runs low in the summer and you can walk across on the dry riverbed to Blue Grass Island. During Walleye season fishermen frequent the island and leave a great trail around the island and one going through the center(that's where the tall grasses are.)

We tossed rocks. John has the best photos of rocks hanging in mid air.
Picking safe paths across the rocks is always fun! Paige would have nothing to do with it, so she's on my hip. I sure wish I still had by baby sling.

Trails were either viny and leafy or tall grasses.

While wandering on trails we sometimes John finds the best spots for pictures. There was absolutely no way that I was getting up on that branch. Syd wasn't sure that it would be safe.

I love this photo from the tip of the island. The girls were so excited to see the end and start down the other side.Love this, nature's stepping stones.
Did I mention that the river is low. This is the south side of Grass Island towards Perrysburg. I have to tell you that this is when Sydney's legs became "too tired". Now you all know that not five minutes later she started asking when she would finally get to play on the playground. Girls, go figure.
Our girls sent sticks floating down the river, found shells, touched rapids and got to pretend to be explorers.

This sign was at least 150 feet in from the edge of the island. We loved that there was nothing on it, perfect time to fill in the blank.

Just b.e.a.utiful.

Kate's sun rock or turtle rock, we couldn't decide. Some former explorer has a great sense of humor.
Had to come home and identify some plants, these are Red Osier Dogwood berries.
Watching the "little fishies". Yep the girls were all excited about the view. They also wanted to take some home to put in the fish tank! See what happens when I suggest a natural aquarium. I would like to announce the end of The Rapp Families Three Hour Tour. After three hours of walking we had three tired but intrepid explorers. Although we did end up at the playground and someone's legs weren't to tired anymore.

Gust Brothers Pumpkin Farm

This year marks our tenth anniversary guessed it, our favorite pumpkin farm. They are the nicest family. Every year Mrs. Gust is glad to see us again and can't believe how the girls have grown. This visit was on a warm and sunny day. Let me say that it is so much better than the past six visits, we forget to get out when the days were still warm. They have sheep, chickens, bunnies, cows, calves, piglets, kittens, and a great dog named Duke. This year we picked our own pumpkins out of the field. Duke and the girls led the way. Paige took us on a serious perfect pumpkin hunt across the entire length and width of the field.

Mom this pumpkin is HUGE!

Kate, the proud owner of the perfect pumpkin.


Is that the one?

No, there!

For a good fifteen minutes these sweet big sisters followed little Paige in order to find.....

Paige's perfect pumpkin.

The treck back to the barn to see the animals.

Red cow is still here.

Kate was popular with the piglets.

The little calves were cute and here's a clip of them begging for food.

The kitten that the Rapplings wanted to "rescue". After explaining that she was a barn cat used to catch mice. Syndey said that she would let me trade our mouser, Kit, for the cute little kitten. "Cause she's soooooo cute mom."

Love this barn in the evening light.

Pumpkin wagons all in a row.


Got them!

Every year the trees in front of the girls school change early. They are beautiful. I never have my camera on a beautiful blue sky day. Usually, I think "Oh I should have brought the camera. I need to get a shot of those." But the next day it will storm. Fall rain and wind tend to remove the leaves and make the trees so sorry looking. But this year I did it. Here are a few of my favorites from my first try at capturing these trees.


I love picket fences!

I just needed to share that I love love picket fences. Specifically scalloped picket fences.
Now doesn't that just make you happy?


Front yard happenings...

I'm feeling quite chatty tonight well I guess now it's Friday morning. Maybe you will find some of my random happenings interesting.
Jewelweed(photo from the internet).....Yesterday I didn't know the name of this fun little plant, isn't the internet wonderful. I discovered that the plants seed pods actually explode when touched. Creative way to make sure your two little seeds get spread huh! How did I make this amazing discovery? While waiting for the bus with Sydney and Paige we sit on the cement edge to our driveway over our ditch. I was reaching out to play with the seeds of the next plant shown below, when pop, pop, pop. Seeds were flying everywhere. Sydney and I have shown lots of friends this amazingly fun little find. Fun to watch a grownups face when little seed pods explode in their fingers.
Quincy and Reese Sadowski will be happy to know that I found these really cool seeds in my ditch. You see the Sadowski children find and feed Monarch Caterpillars. What does such a caterpillar like to eat? Well, milkweed of course. During a visit to their home my dear friend Kelly would drive Quincy at least half a mile to procure such a delicacy for children's small guests on a daily basis. That is dedication! When they came for a visit to Ohio two years ago. I had no idea where they would find Milkweed but they did find it somewhere. Yesterday when I saw these cool seeds! I had to find out what they belonged to. Well. I guess you already know....we have got us some Milkweed. I guess next year we'll be much more prepared for a Sadowski visit.(All milkweed photos from the internet.)

Paige and I were surprised to have an invasion of our Pokeweed yesterday. Which is actually a weed that I let, gasp,overgrown in our front garden. We were sitting in the armchair in the living room when a flock of Cedar Waxwings descended onto the plant outside our picture window. They came and went for over an hour and by the time they were done not a single berry was to be found anywhere. Here's a short video clip and some photos of our very curious little visitors. Be forewarned, turn your sound down now....or else you will have to listen to some seriously loud Strawberry Shortcake in the background.

Tail feathers look like they are dipped in yellow paint.

Little black eye mask, incredibly small edge of red on some wing feathers.Hope you learned a little something from this post, I know I did!


The Candy Man.....

Some things in life you just can't remember not having. One of mine is our Candy Man, Uncle Jim. He was always ready every Sunday at church with candy for all of the children in our ward(mormon talk for congregation.) There were periods of time when he was asked not to bring candy by some concerned parent. If I remember correctly the Prohibition didn't work. We just had to go out to his trunk to get a boot legged sweet treat. Technically speaking he isn't my "uncle" but since when do technicalities count?
I remember our family going to visit Uncle Jim and Aunt Bonnie for Sunday evening dinner and watching him actually make biscuits. In my house dad gardened and did yard work but didn't cook and I was impressed! As I go on I don't mention Aunt Bonnie very much but as all wives know behind every great man there is a great woman and that's what she is. I think her main job is to keep him out of as much trouble as possible, while putting up with his sass. Back to my childhood...Oh, Uncle Jim could remove his dentures. For years I wondered where he kept finding such big peices of candy that look liked teeth! I know, I know, so gullible, but listen I was little then. Uncle Jim and Aunt Bonnie had dogs! Obviously we didn't...but these dogs were AMAZING to my little self. They were Weiner dogs, named Snoopy and Newton and I thought they were the cutest dogs I had ever seen. Not to mention the amazing Garbage Can Dinners they threw every summer. What could be cooler than cooking dinner in a trash can at the park across the street from their house? I was very worried about how clean that was, until I was told that he only used new garbage cans. Did I mention that during the blizzard of 78' he rescued us. My dad was stranded out of town on business. My mom was home with two little girls and no electricity. My mom handled it well. She bundled Brandy and I up in snowsuits, boots, gloves and newspaper, as an extra protective layer, and pulled us out of the neighborhood on a sled. Uncle Jim drove as far as he could and then rode in with the National Gaurd to come into our neighborhood and then took us to his home. I loved our adventure and remember making snow angels. He has always made us feel a part of his family.
But the reason every child for miles around loves Uncle Jim....even if he isn't their that he is the CANDY MAN with a capitol C. He always has a treat for the kids. Exhibit A the following photos of my daughters and neices gathering like a flock of birds as soon as his car pulls up in my driveway. Paige yells, "Him , Him, he's here."

Addie and Paige getting a big hug.

Kate moving in for the hug and birthday present. Ten dollars or jewelry which do you think she took? Yep the jewelry. She's definitely my girl.
Whatchya bring? Whatchya bring?
I win! I got my treat first.

Sweet little thing isn't she?

There's our Hanna always ready for my camera. She has the cutest pose ever.
Since I've been out on my own, you know a "grownup". I can't remember a birthday, birth, hospital stay that Uncle Jim hasn't remembered. It helps that he plays all of the most important dates in the lottery frequently. I have recieved over the years...candy, roses, mums to actually plant, Christmas Ornaments engraved for each child and my wedding and when life was really hard he frequently stopped by with a piece of Chocolate Pie from Smuckers. These are my birthday flowers this year. Thanks Uncle Jim! I know that I can say for my sisters that we are glad to be a part of your family.Posted by Picasa