
Miss Sydney is...

Very happy to be turning six. Seana came to visit us at the gardens and brought miniature cakes, frosting, candies to decorate with and candles. Kate was at her bookclub and hence missed the festivities. Sydney wanted to make sure that she shared her cake with Ms. Olga and Mr. Matt. Needless to say frosting was liberally applied.Happiness...that's what that rare face is on my girl.

Six candles on a small cake lead to a small took her a long time to make her wish can you tell?

Miss Olga...we work in the gardens together. She's sassy so I love her. Mr. Matt a horticulturalist at TBG and the girls favorite person to see.

Last but not least the amazing Miss Seana. Thank you friend for making her birthday so very special. Although how you'll top it next year I just don't know.

Next we had lunch at home and were off to Mall for Sydney's gift....Pierced Ears. I didn't lie to her I told her it would hurt. She said that if Addison her two year old cousin could do it she could too.
Kate holding Syd's hands in preparation for the big moment. She she can actually be an amazingly sweet big sister.
These tears lasted about a minute until I told her to go pick out her new earrings. She was proud to show off her newly pierced ears to Mr. Matt who happened to come to the mall on the same day. Showing up right when we needed a distraction from the trauma. Being able to pick out shiny new jewelry helped too. Happy Birthday Syd!


CANDACE said...

OH! happy birthday miss syd!

that last picture of her smiling through her tears is just too darling.

i had my ears pierced for my birthday when i turned six, too!!!