Kate, Sydney, Paige and their partners in crime Faith and Hope, decided to pick some berries. These are "the fruits" of their labors...
I know me... so very punny... mulberries and wild strawberries from our yard.

Mulberries fall out of the trees everywhere. The concensus of all the small people is that they are delicious. The wild strawberries didn't meet with the same approval. Paige announced that they were just "TOO LITTLE". She should know! The little minx has been picking all of my strawberries ripe or not, all season. We'll see if I actually get any into the house. Really bunnies actually do less damage than Paige!

This is little miss minxlet's hand. You can tell that the berries are way small. I had to stop her from eating them long enough to grab a photo.

Tiny little berry with huge seeds.

These are what Rappling feet look like during Mulberry Season.
P.S. These berries met a seriously amazing demise. They were made into all sorts of concoctions that I was privileged "to judge." Hard to choose. Really, really hard. Kate and Faith made sure to clean up as they went. Smart, smart girls.
I love summer.
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