1. Show up early, 7:30 p.m.
Stake out a spot and get ready to party!
2. Snacks....snacks and more snacks...
This years favorite...Slim Jims and Peanut Butter Cups.
My favorite Cherries on sale for 98 cents a pound. 

3. Some type of game...our girls prefer catch.
The nets that came with the balls were hard to use...
All of the effort was worth it, when the ball would rocket out of the net.
4. Injuries. We never fail to have an "injury,"
always minor but adds extra drama to the evening.
Usually complete with pouting.
This year we had only one.
John popped Kate in the left eye with the ball.
That's what she gets for turning around
when Dad was trying to peg her in the head.
So she gave herself some alone time,
in the van and then rejoined the party for sparklers.
Paige was incredibly worried about Kate.
She really loves her big sister.
5. Making it's debut this year is Nail Polish.
The Rapplings love having their nails painted!
A new sparkly, patriotic red
was perfect for the occasion.
Next time I need to remove
nail polish earlier in the day.
This project was a big hit with all the girlies.

Her effort was, of course, in vain.
Really I couldn't help myself.
I had to go there.
Miss Kathryn click here so you know what I'm talking about.
Happy Birthday America!!!
I love this blog entry. All the details are wun.der.full!
Good goin Susan flamable wet nail polish and sparklers! Wonderful combo! Ha Ha, I had to say it. You know the wibbeler in my head thought it. It looks like you all had a great 4th fire hazard and all.
you've got mad skillz my friend. the firework photos ROCK!
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