Do you like Pop Tarts? This is a loaded question. Go ahead ask a couple of people. The giving of opinions can become quite loud when the childhood favorite is maligned. I've bought them for the girls in the past but they were way tooooo sweet for me. Well I was converted by the sassy combination of brown sugar, cinnamon and frosting last year. So while they aren't really the best breakfast for you they'll do in a pinch. I did recently laugh out loud in while in Giant Eagle and I saw the "made with whole grains" logo on the side of the box. Really are they trying to make me feel like a better mother by loading the girls sugary goodness with vitamins? Sugary goodness should just be sugary goodness. So I left the whole grain box behind.

Okay so why the pop tart discussion? Well on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning I take the girls to the Botanicals....they either get doughnuts or Pop Tarts. Today we had Pop Tarts. The girls will get into and out of the van the whole time we're there. I went to load in my tools before we left. When I actually screamed a girly scream. There was a squirrel looking back at me from underneath the rear seat of my van. Apparently my little squirrel friend likes Pop Tarts. So I talked to him and he actually came when I called him out of the car. You know me..."Hey little buddy...Really you want to come out of the car....Really.....Come on little buddy.....out out out...That's a good little buddy." When I was sure he and his treasure which I threw across the grass were gone. I slammed the door. Me and squirrels I tell you. A squirrel in the van, chasing guests out of my studio, three crazed squirrel chasing girls, I can never have enough

Included below are a few of my favorite's things,
besides a nutritionally well balanced squirrel, that I found in nature today.
Morning Glory by the front fence....
forgot about the Carpenter bees!
Really, really need to kill the bees tomorrow.

Jewelweed flower.... I love my weeds!

New find at the Pioneer Garden. Matt Ross showed me this amazing little flower under all the squash vines(which I will be cutting back on Thursday.) You'll never guess what it is. Okra...yeah amazing little creation isn't it?
Love the squirrel story and squirrels too!!!
Squirrels are almost as fun and entertaining as the Rapplings!
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