
Living Room...

I've been trying to finish our living room since August. I still need to repaint the trim and someday I would love to recover our couch and chair but generally in all ways that matter to everyone else but me, I'm done. I did it. My living room is ready to have visitors.
This scripture is one of my favorite's. I've wanted it on the wall cut out half of it in white when I realized that it didn't show up on the wall AT ALL. I started over going on a hunt for affordable vinyl and found a ten foot roll of brown vinyl at ScrapHappy in Tiffin $7.50. Thanks for still having a store Miss Susie!!!! SOOO with a lot of trial and error. Viola! If you try to attempt this don't forget your level....and maybe a level to check that level. Insert laughter here....don't worry my kids will get my crazy humor. Side note.... Before anyone gets any ideas of having me come over and slap a phrase up on their wall. I took a couple of hours painstakingly spacing out my letters just the way I wanted them. I'll help you cut it out but after that you're on YOUR OWN!
While I was at it I printed, framed and hung a few of my favorite photos(that match my color scheme of course!) on my walls. Yes this also required a level, a ruler and a ladder. I really needed a T-Square guess I'll add that to my list of things to get someday. My trusty T-square....(doesn't everyone have at least one well loved tool?)the one I've had since my junior year in high school disappeared. Forgot to turn off the TV! For posterity's sake I have to note that this is ICarly my daughter's current favorite show on television. This one I actually like.

Here's a side angle view of the room. The shelve's I purchase for on sale $35 a piece a Meijers months ago. Kate enjoying her favorite show. The girls easter bunny cups are on top of the shelves and aren't a permanent part of the room.
These three, well they are a permanent fixture. They love the window and the chair that I sat by it is apparently just for them.


M2 (Melissa) said...

Wow! You are amazing - I knew that before but just had to say it again! You are amazing!!

Creative Minx said...

I am so glad for you! It looks great.

Live well, Laugh often, Love much ~Maria said...

Your quote looks amazing! You are so talented, and I think the brown really works tons better with the room anyway.

MarangiFam said...

It looks beautiful, Susan! Love the wall worlds. That scripture is part of my mission statement. Great job :)

Very Quirky Girl said...

Thanks for all the love!