A friend at church asked me if I could create something for her....
I being intrigued said, "Usually....what do you need?"
Friend - "Well could you like help me out with something for girls camp? You sister Laura said I should ask you."
Me -"Sure, love girls camp you know me always willing to help." All the while thinking Laura had better not gotten me in over my head. Sisters, mark my words, they're trouble.
Friend - "Well could you paint me something....like are you good at that?"
John - "Do you ask a bear if it has fur?"
Really that's what he said! I'm going to keep that in my witty "Susanisms" arsenal for a while.
Since this friend has a great sense of humor and she knows us pretty well....I said, "I think I'm actually offended that you asked me "if" I could create something."
Friend - "Well I know you can create cards and scrapbooks and stuff...but I didn't know if you could well do other things."
Friend - "Well I know you can create cards and scrapbooks and stuff...but I didn't know if you could well do other things."
It's mighty unusual to have someone question my skills. The following conversation took place the last time my help was needed for a church related project. My good friend Maria said...."I need an elephant to catch bean bags in for the ward carnival. What do you think?"
My answer, "How big do you want it?"
No way to back out of that one! That Maria knows me way to well.
Here's the elephant. I started it the night before it looked like this. My girls did inform me that my blob looked nothing like an elephant. I explained, layers of paint require time to dry before the next one is applied. Everyone's a critic! Finished the tubing and the mouth the morning of. No animals or wallets were harmed in the making of this elephant...I used stuff we had on hand.
Don't forget to find a way to throw this into a conversation this week.
"Do you ask a bear if it has fur?"
What are you creating for YW camp? You left us hanging - you can do anything and everything! I love that about you!!
You should have shown the finished elephant product...it was AMAZING! I was soooo pleased! Trust me this girl has some serious skills :D
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