Monday - The rain has stopped, it's warm and I was itching to get outside. I went over to Laura's to help pick up debris and unload her kitchen cabinets. Jade is remodeling their kitchen/dining room. Do you know what happens when you take down a wall? You discover what is on the other side and in this case it wasn't good. Later after a visit to the meet our new pediatrician(thanks to Melissa E. for the great referral!) We went outside, cleaned up the side flower bed, and enjoyed our "lake" and it's yearly visitors.

You're the man Jade!

Sydney helping Paige with their new jackets. I love the moments when they are sweet to each other.
Three girls trying to will the water to leave the yard.

Our little duck buddies.

It cracks me up that you get so much water in your yard that ducks can swim!! hehehe
If ever I want to smile I visit you and your family; if not live then virtually <3 Vicki
Oh my goodness that is a lot of water! Cute to see ducks but what a pain! Glad you like the dr!
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