I made these blinds....
from this book,

which I highly recommend and someday I might even own. Right now I am perpetually renewing this from our local library. She has great projects, photos, instructions and sketches to illustrate all of the steps. I work best off of pictures so this book is fabulous.Mine are made out of raised Swiss Dot on the inside white cotton and blue ticking on the outside.
They turned out great...I love them. I keep pointing out to John that I did indeed make these. I think if I keep saying this he might wish that I had, you know a "real job". Still need to get window cleats to hold the strings...John won't use them yet. He doesn't want to undo all of the double loop de loops, that I use to keep the blinds from dropping. Poor guy, it only took me three weeks to finally hang the blinds.
How long do you think I can hold of on the cleats?
you are so talented, i love how you create things, i might think of things but i never follow through and create them, i think it wonderful that you do!
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