
Busy, busy me.....

Baby blankets and Burp towels. Made for baby Lilje with lots of love. We are so excited for Eric and Bekah. Did I mention that future dad's favorite holiday is Halloween. The baby is due the November 8th. Here's praying for a Halloween Birthday.

I've been finishing up a lot of projects. This is an apron that I started for Sydney in November. At least she still wants it!

I made this head band with fabric left over from another apron that I prepared as an example in church. Oh yeah, if you don't own a head like this I recommend it highly. The perfect conversation piece, amazingly quiet, and a very still model for hats and head bans. Have fun!
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Anonymous said...

OOOHHH sister! Where did you get that head??? How come I've never seen it? Crazy girl!! Love the change girlie