
Cousins and Sixth Grade...

We were lucky enough to have Samantha spend a few days with us this week. Due to my beyond old and unreliable transportation I don't visit my sister in Ypsilanti enough. My girls have missed their cousins and Andrew is so very very grown up. Sam and Kate spent the day at the garden with me no small people. Kate loved it. Sam thought the Botanicals were cool. I love these girls...I'm glad that they are cousins they are a great example of how someone in your family can be your best friend. Can't believe that Sam is turning 11 this year too!
The woman(whose name I have forgotten which is just like me) who cares for the pond at TBG is amazing. She wades out there and does all of her caretaking. I had fun speaking with her. I'd never been in the garden when she was...the girls always thought that the pond took care of itself. Yeah haven't met a garden that tends itself yet.
Timberston Junior High...that's where we went to load up Kates' locker with all of her new goodies. They let all the students in the week before to decorate their lockers. Kate's is covered with Twilight and funny animal photos. She even figured out her combination with the help of her dad.
Kate fits in the locker which she and her sisters find hilarious!!!Paige is trying to learn how to do this for "When I'm a big girl like Tate." When did she grow up? I'm not to excited about that part.