
Lights Before Christmas

We love our Zoo! On Wednesday Laura, Jade and I took our girls plus one extra to see "The Lights Before Christmas" at the Toledo Zoo. We had fun and it wasn't too cold. But I definitely need to work on getting into shape. Here are our Highlights.

All the girls ready to roll. Hannah, Macy, Kate, Abby, and a reluctant Sydney.

Paige all bundled in and singing.

Yes, it's dark outside and yes she INSISTED

on wearing her sunglasses and carrying BlueBeary.

My favorite tree.

And the favorite of all the girls the musical lights.
Two minutes of happy, happy fun.

Sad to report that we've had a virus running through both our families since late Wednesday night. Family togetherness can be a little overrated.
Hopefully all parents and little girls are better for Christmas


melly~ said...

ahhhh zoo lights!
You're right about the music trees! They ROCKED! (pun intended)

CANDACE said...

hope y'all are feeling better!!