
Happiness is...

Today I folded and folded laundry, sorting out clothes that don't fit the girls. Boring right? I did promise to post some of my new craftiness. Here is all of the fun fabric I am using to make aprons. Inspired by Melly's handiwork and all of the cool aprons I've seen online. I'm going to be a sewing fool. Of course I'm making the one with cherries for me yummy right?

Speaking of yummy...I'm planing to gift a few little girls with aprons and the Kids in the Kitchen cookbook by Gooseberry Patch. My girls love to make the french fry recipe. Oh and don't forget the fondue.
Hope I didn't make you too hungry.
Just so you know happiness is fabric, french fries and fondue!~Susan


CANDACE said...

WHERE did you find such cute fabric? i have a sewing machine but don't really know how to use it (much) but i think i would be inspired to use it more if i could find some very cute fabric like that!