Miss Paige enjoying the snow. She loves to eat it, lick it, pick it up and hide it, carrying it around for future use. The girls were taking icicles off the house and using them to dig holes in the snow.

This project kept them busy for at least an hour. I wish I found that much joy sticking icicles in the snow. I prefer to build in the snow and this was definitely to powdery to build with, hence the hole digging.

She's pretty cute when she's all coldish isn't she?

Syd was so very happy to have a day just to play in the snow.

Kate was absolute silliness. Jim Allen brought her a special present.... a squirrel feeding station. I love that she and John were out putting it up not ten minutes later. Much happiness for children and squirrels.

I bet Kate is totally FREAKIN out over the squirrel feeder. A device to attact her favorite fuzzy creature, heaven for Kate.
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