Graffiti snails roaming London |
Graffiti snails roaming London
Natural art...
Paige's "little house"
Moss smoothies anyone?
This is another pot that was created Tuesday. Caladium, Sweet Potato vine, Barberry and Tiarella. That's as detailed as I feel like getting on the plants right now.

Prophase, Anaphase and Plants in Plant Science...
Well lets me tell you from personal experience that there is absolutely NO WAY that scene could have really happened. Yes Kate, vampires are fast. Focusing the microscope that fast would take at least a couple of minutes or some miraculous skills. Vampires, Kate are not miraculous, nor sweetheart, are they real. Blasphemy I know. So I really love the microscope and came prepared, of course, with Excedrin to prevent the headache that the light gave me last week. Here is an onion root tip stained under magnification...
And under more magnification...
Last but not least I was very excited to see how my seedlings were doing. Yes, I took my else am I to show my girlies what I'm doing. I have already let everyone in class know I'm nuts. Just being myself. All seedlings were happy enough except one bean. He was decompsing so according to instructions I took him out pitched him and put a new presoaked seed in. I was trying to figure out how this would work out control wise when I realized that everyone else was back in class. Why? Umm, apparently my beans were the only ones which had popped their heads out of the soil. So I was the only student taking measurements of more than corn sprouts.
See one happy little bean plant. Isn't it cute? Seriously, I acknowledge that I have issues.
Yes I am officially a plant geek, nerd, or really and quite happily just my very quirky self.
Hungry for his lunch...
Coral Bells...
Plants and their cells...

The clip below is what our slide looked like...
Really great simple drawing of a plant cell which the Rapplings think is cool.
So life in general amazing isn't it? Really think of all the minute processes that go on to sustain us. Really I love miracles.
Paige did come home and try to "plant" the caterpillars. When that didn't work she went for a vase. With no success at her planting techniques she set the caterpillars on the piano in her bucket to keep them safe.

City And Colour - As Much As I Ever Could
This song has been stuck in my head all day. Thought I'd share...much better song than my usual... you know Miley Cyrus.... The Wheels on the Bus... those are what I usually end hearing on rerun in my head all day.