Saturday involved a lot of errands. Not much photography though. I took Sydney, Kate and Paige over to the craft bazaar at Stranahan Elementary. Sydney bought a present for the last two people on her list...herself and her dad. We also bought a wooden semi truck with two cars loaded on the back for their cousin Logan's birthday. I love wooden toys. I've been buying handmade tic tac toe sets wood with marbles from this same amazing man for seven years. My girls have never been much for the whole car thing.
Exception if it's a car mentioned in the Twilight Saga and then Kate's interested. So it was fun to have an excuse to finally buy a car or in my case a truck and two cars. The girls spent the afternoon at the birthday party while John and I stayed home to work on the house. We then went to our Ward(congregation) Christmas party. First we picked up Miss Esther and went on to church. Fun for all. The talent show was fun with two hilarious numbers courtesy of John and Christina Regan as elves and the Simons family as the people who ate to much for Christmas. Kate and I played a piano duet of Silent Night... then she also played a violin solo. That child has musical skills. Esther was thrilled she thought everything was wonderful and complimented Kate on her musical talents. It's fun seeing the world through Esther's eyes. She is so happy and joyful a blessing to have around. Wonderful job Marie and Reanna. The Christmas party definitely brought the spirit into my holiday season.
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