Today was the primary program at church. The children all have a part and teach us about what they learned in their classes this year. I love primary. I get all choked up and teary eyed when they sing, some of them very, very loudly. So today's program was excellent. Kate played a violin solo. She's only been playing for twelve weeks and taught herself a song by ear. Yeah some musical talent in that one. Sydney's entire primary class was to shy to speak. I thought for sure she would refuse but her teacher called on her and she hopped right out of her chair. Her question to answer how do I help my family be closer to Heavenly Father? Her answer....remember Sis Schaeffer was so relieved Sydney was speaking right..."I help my family by playing baby tag and hobo tag." Yep leave it to Syd to make me laugh out loud in church. Here's photos of me and the ladies today. See Jennifer I really can make sure to photograph myself.
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