Some children don't like foggy damp mornings but not Paige. She couldn't wait to go to the Gardens. She saw Mr. Matt and Miss Olga drive away and asked if she could play till they came back? Heck yes. Fog is fun for photographers.
Paige and Olga chasing the geese away from the Pioneer Garden. Paige and Olga had fun when they made all the geese fly away. What's better than watching kindred spirits chasing winged creatures out of a garden. Later at home Paige announced in thru one of her "happy songs," I love Olga... Olga is awesome... I love Olga... Olga is fun." Sometimes the Minx is cute.
Paige having a good time singing while she works. She sings when she' happy. Today's lyrics were..."I'm raking at the garden...I'm raking for my berries... I'm raking at the garden... I have my own bucket I'm a big girl." We were raking pine needles to put on the blueberry patch and Olga did get her a small bucket to fill on her own. Paige was queen of the world.Miss Judy and her partner in crime for the holidays. She made chocolate lollipops and Paige was in heaven. The teeth worried her until Miss Judy showed her how they came out and weren't real. Minx did try to talk me into buying her some cool teeth for her halloween. Not likely Paige, definitely not.
Melly, Paige wants to know if you have a friend to drive in your car with you? What can you come up with for your sassy red convertible and Thanksgiving I wonder?
Those are some great fog pictures. I love Paige garden stories. She seems so in her element there. I can't believe there is ever a bad Paige at the garden. Tell us a bad Paige at the garden story! :)
Those are some great fog pictures. I love Paige garden stories. She seems so in her element there. I can't believe there is ever a bad Paige at the garden. Tell us a bad Paige at the garden story! :)
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