Stinging Nettle shoots
Stinging Nettle stems
Stinging Nettle Flowers

Nature is gross... alright finding dead feathered nature while you're weeding is gross. I planned on conducting a speedy burial so that the smallest Rapplings wouldn't find out. Most moms don't yell frantically for a shovel to be delivered to the back yard. Kate wanted to know, "Mom what is wrong with you?" I sent Kate to the garage to quickly retrieve the shovel. I finally realized five minutes later that she had moved on to another project when she couldn't immediately locate the shovel. Completely forgetting to let me know that she was moving on to another task more urgent to her ten year old self. I will admit she is definitely my daughter. I left the dead nature hidden in the weeds and retrieved the necessary burial tool myself. Luckily Paige and Sydney still hadn't asked what I was up to. I was not in the mood for a burial ceremony, complete with eulogy, that all dead nature requires if discovered by the little ladies.
Later Kate invited Faith over. She is lot of fun. The girls went hunting toads. We have a lot of toads of the American variety, Bufo Americanus living in our shady spots. As I was walking out to the studio to see what the ladies wanted for lunch.
Kate burst out of the door, almost knocking me down, "Mom! Mom!!!! They're mating."
Me, "Really??! How many toads do you have, exactly?"
Me, "Really??! How many toads do you have, exactly?"
Kate, "Only three mom.... but just two are mating. We looked it up on the Internet."
At this point I was disbelieving but thought I should go check out the "fun" going on in my studio. Amongst my piles of fabric, paper, and general kid messiness were two toad habitats. The girls had separated the mating toads from the non-mating toad.
This is when Kate announced..."So we know how to tell the difference between the boy and girl toads!"
I just kept thinking good lord NOOOO!!!!! Poor Faith!
AND I DEFINITELY didn't want to have this discussion with Sydney today! Believe me we've had quite interesting talks with Sydney or Paige and when you put Sydney, Paige and Kate together for these "conversations" you won't have always get the facts but you also won't stop laughing for hours.
"So mom do you want to know how? You squeeze them!"
"What???!!!" Poor, poor toads.
"Well you squeeze them... and the boys well.... (wait for it) the boys make a sound when you squeeze them and the girls don't! And mom it worked! The boy and girl toad are definitely mating!!!"
Amen to children looking up scientific information on the Internet! I pulled up this website so that in the future Kate, Faith and Sydney would know how to correctly identify toads without squeezing them to death.
On the way into the house while laughing Faith stopped me and said, "Oh, when I came into the studio to check on the toads a, well.... a squirrel ran out the door right at me."
REALLY it all happened here TODAY!!!
No toads or squirrels were harmed in the creation of this blog... they only had the pee scared out of them.
o man that made me giggle. kate & faith are brave girls to not only pick up toads, but to SQUEEZE them too! one day i'll have to tell you my toad story, but it's not one for blog comments...
Those lovely females you are raising fill your day with such wonderful moments. Thanks for sharing them with me. They make me smile! =)
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