This year marks our tenth anniversary guessed it, our favorite pumpkin farm. They are the nicest family. Every year Mrs. Gust is glad to see us again and can't believe how the girls have grown. This visit was on a warm and sunny day. Let me say that it is so much better than the past six visits, we forget to get out when the days were still warm. They have sheep, chickens, bunnies, cows, calves, piglets, kittens, and a great dog named Duke. This year we picked our own pumpkins out of the field. Duke and the girls led the way. Paige took us on a serious perfect pumpkin hunt across the entire length and width of the field.

Mom this pumpkin is HUGE!

Kate, the proud owner of the perfect pumpkin.

Is that the one?
No, there!
For a good fifteen minutes these sweet big sisters followed little Paige in order to find.....

Paige's perfect pumpkin.

The treck back to the barn to see the animals.

Red cow is still here.

Kate was popular with the piglets.
The little calves were cute and here's a clip of them begging for food.

The kitten that the Rapplings wanted to "rescue". After explaining that she was a barn cat used to catch mice. Syndey said that she would let me trade our mouser, Kit, for the cute little kitten. "Cause she's soooooo cute mom."

Love this barn in the evening light.

Pumpkin wagons all in a row.
Oh my gosh do I love that picture of Paige in the piggie tails! And the picture of the girls and John on your exploring trip where they were looking at the blank sign, Kate looks exactly like you! I was actually taken back for a minute. She is even standing just like you. So cute!
Your friend, Leslie
We've got to go there next year!
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