Heck yes I said heck. Please, please, please don't tell the proper language policewoman, who is nine and lives in my house.
We were busy. We had fun.
Sydney proclaimed three days in a row that,
"This was my best day ever...."
Love that quirky kid.

Friday, we had Anna one of Kate's best friends over.
This was "way cool" because Anna's dad Todd has recently married the amazing Lisa (who from now on will be called Lisa L.) and they now live in Temperance, Michigan.
Which is not super far, but it's also not exactly around the corner either.
Kate, Anna, and Paige washed the car.
"We" have decided to call the grey car Larry Boy Junior, Mom.
We like him just as much as Larry Boy, but he is little-r."
Only Sydney could put it like that.
This is great news since we will be turning our leased Larry Boy in and I was afraid we were going to have serious Syd separation anxiety.
Okay back to Friday. I know, I know focus.
Syd came back from a fun day at the pool with her buddy Cami. (Thanks to Lisa K., who is not Lisa L.)
Next thing I knew I heard a lot of laughing and SPLASHING!!!
Good Lord No!
They can't be in THE POOL.
Have you seen my pool???
Oh, for the Love of Pete!
What on earth possesed them to climb in?
Anna explained that she thought it would be good idea to help us drain the pool so that next time she came over she could swim.
Well, throwing buckets of mucky water is obviously way fun.
Note...When I signed up for motherhood the "job description"
did not include smelling like swamp water.
I figured on scrubbing nasty things,
but that pool was more than I bargained for.
(Before and after photos posted.)
You can see the water here right?
Yep, Paige is mostly naked. You remember two don't you?

Saturday was cousins day. Usually I crop at the library the first Saturday of the month. But due to high gas prices Brandy and I tried creatively figured a way for the cousins from Ypsilanti to see the cousings from Toledo, while also not requiring an overnight visit. Hence a Saturday cousins day.
All of the girl cousins came over to play.
(Not really they just didn't want to come.)
FUN, FUN and More FUN.
We also had some serious sunburns on my girls. I mean duh! How could I forget to put on the sunscreen. Well I did, and it's way, way, way to late.
(Lisa Miller, who is not Lisa L. or Lisa K., did give me a bottle of Aloe Vera on Sunday. Thank goodness she has my back.)
Oh but the girls did have fun despite the blisters they would develop than night and next morning. Brandy and Denise scrapbooked, Laura sewed, and I benefitted since Laura made me a bag and Miss Paige a dress.
I accomplised nothing crafty.
We had a great day. Yummy grilled cheese burgers for dinner by chef John we had invited four of our missionaries to stop by to eat too. I heard them say"I didn't know we were coming to a party." Sorry guys no party, just the infamous cousins day.

Paige hates the pool but loves her little bucket.
Only problem we saw with this was...
she loves to stick her head in the bucket too.

Sunday was Sunday. I taught Sunday School and Relief Society and had fun teaching both. The the air conditioning wasn't working in the chapel which did not make it easy for the Rapplings to be quiet during Sacrament meeting.
Soooo, I snuck out with Paige since she was being two
and I was definitely starting to feel a little drowsy.
Good afternoon home.
I love Sundays.
thanks for blogging sue the photos are so fun too look at- Robin loves to look at them too ... she thinks her cousin are the best.
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