
Cute huh?

I used to like the little bunnies hopping through my yard. I've even thought how cute they are. I always make sure that my dog doesn't catch one when I let her out to the bathroom in the morning, which involves me scarring many of them away before she goes out.
I have decided that the honeymoon is officially over.

I discovered late this afternoon that the little monsters stripped four of my berry bushes bare. I am not a gardening moron. I know bunnies think that my garden is just scrumptious buffet that I plant just for them. Really, I took precautions. I put chicken wire around each bush!

Things I've learned today.

1. The holes in my wire were 1 1/4 inches.....not the required 3/4 inch that a bunny can't squeeze through .

2. My bunny actually decided to tip over the cages all of my cages. With one exception, the milk carton that I cut the top and bottom off of.

So while accessing the damage. I went to the roots to see if there was any new growth at all. Hence the saying getting to "the root of the problem."

That is when I discovered lesson number 3. The rassafrassin bunnies actually ate an entire raspberry bush roots and all. Not a piece of the plant left for me to mourn over. Just a sad, lonely, empty hole.

3. Bunnies can dig and think roots are yummy too.

After much fuming over dinner and emergency consultation on the internet. I decided to reinforce my wire fencing with plastic mesh fencing with smaller holes in it. I buried the bottom of the fencing and now I'm hoping that I have done enough.

Darn those rascally rabbits.


melly~ said...

Oh. My. Goodness.
A moment of silence was had here for you, friend. I know you love bunnies, but I think you love raspberries even more.
You made me smile with the whole rassafrassin' story. :)

Charlene said...

Rick says: I hear wabbits taste a lot like chicken. Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

Hi there - I stumbbled upon your site and just wanted to let you know that hair clippings keep bunnies away. After years of them killing my garden, I took a neighbors advice and finally started spreading around clippings, it worked like a charm! It sounds weird but I promise it works - hope that helps!