
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Look at her go.

Okay it's was official last Saturday night Paige finally started walking.

Since she started she hasn't stopped and here is the proof.

When did my littlest girl get soooo big.

Here are some more fun photos from today.

I love the botanical gardens.

As Paige would say..."Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!"


Karin said...

Yeah Paige!! I'm so glad you are bloggin' - now I can keep up with you! Maybe I should get in the game too... Miss you!

Amy said...

I am glad to have found your blog!
It's your long lost friend, Amy, from the old scrappin' days at Treasure Shoppe.
I can't believe your adorable kids!!!!!!
Hop on over to my blog at Abundant Curiosities and get caught up on my world.
Sorry to hear about your store.

I have so much scrappin' stuff and no time to use it. I will have to live to be 110 to get it all done!!
Say "Hi!" to your sister Brandy for me.
Amy Wagner