
Once upon a time on a very cold, cold day...

John's car decided to finally overheat and not want to move. Of course our car overheated on this, the coldest day that I ever remember. That's just the way things work out around here. Outside the thermometers read -16 degrees, no wind chill factored in. Interesting side note, someone I'm married to doesn't consider wind chill to really exist as a measurable value. He feels it is more subjective and hence really all in your head. Please don't even get him started on the heat index. On to my story 6:30 a.m. phone call...my first response, "What's wrong?!!" I was expecting a hospital visit for John, but it was his car. Our car had been almost overheating off and on while John was sick, but no dollars coming in = no car radiators being fixed. I had another appointment at 8:45 a.m., so Adam (who my mom had already rescued due to his car stalling that morning) took one of my parents cars to go and sit with John until the tow truck came. Cold days = a lot of broken down cars = very slow response from tow truck drivers. I fed the Rapplings and told them all to get dressed since it was -16 degrees. You should have seen their outfits! We had girls wearing Capri leggings, short sleeve shirts, no socks, Paige didn't want to wear shoes, etc. After much coercing I finally managed to get all Rapplings sufficiently covered to go outside. Next I loaded em up and headed out. I had turned on the van a half an hour earlier, to warm it up but it has only minimal heat. Since we would still be super cold I also brought blankets, blankets, and more blankets for the car ride. The girls were not happy! Pick, pick, picking at each other until they found one unifying complaint! "Mom," Here it comes, "It's TOO COLD to go ANYWHERE." "Nice try little sisters, buckle up for safety it's the law." Start time out of the driveway 8:45 a.m. We completed our errands, there were four I think, my appointment...collect John from Smitty's, his wait for the tow truck only took 2 1/2 hours...take John to run into Costco for his job...a quick trip into the Fresh Market for packs of blueberries at a $1 each for pancakes for John... and we were on our way home three hours later.
After I forced everyone to hang up coats, hats, scarves, and put away blankets,(I am a meanie according to Rappling #2) I was ready to cook. I let Bailey, our Chihuahua out...well I tried but she came running back in and that's when I saw it. Black feline fur ball sitting the middle of my cold snowy yard. I have feel responsible to help any person or animal I see in need. So out the door I went with cat food and warm water. The fur ball ran under the racks we have set up for firewood behind our bushes. Down onto the snow with me, gloves, coat, jeans, warm water and cat food. I noticed that it's ears looked completely stiff, frozen? It took 15 minutes until I was finally able to convince the little thing to come out of hiding. I bundled him in my coat and staggered to the door. My knees were numb and I couldn't turn the door knob because my fingers wouldn't bend. John let me in shaking his head at me as usual and told me to go sit with a lot of blankets and warm up. Upon closer examination I noticed that the kitten's front left leg didn't work at all. It had major scar on his chest right in front of that leg's joint that was healed over. It's toe/foot pads and ears were definitely frostbitten, I was worried it wouldn't make it he was so small, under three pounds. So of course Kate immediately went on line to research black cat names(our little researcher) and I got up to make Blueberry Pancakes.
Two days later the kitten was looking much better, it was active and eating more than I'd ever seen any cat eat. It's ears had developed blisters from the frostbite and it's feet were healing as expected. Then after church on Sunday the wound started leaking pus. Gross, but doable, warm compresses hear we come. I took care of the kitten Sunday and Monday at home. It was eating and drinking so well but the wound wasn't healing and continued to leak infection. Tuesday morning, I took kitten to see Dr. Paul Pifer, at Countryside Animal Hospital. I love it there. I was lucky enough to work there for six months before we opened Skrappaper. Great docs, great staff, and entertaining clients what more could a girl ask for in a job? I learned that the kitten was at least eight months old, male, most likely abandoned for a long time, had been in a fight with another animal or a BB Gun, and had a temperature of over 104.7 degrees, 100.5 to 102 degrees is "normal" for a cat. To top it off he also had frostbite on his patookie. You know that has to hurt!. I was waiting for the verdict...I knew Dr. Pifer would level with me and tell me if this little guy was savable. The answer was yes. He started him on antibiotics, warm compresses(I already had that covered!) and I would bring him back the next Tuesday for surgery to remove his leg. I was NOT looking forward to telling John. Although just so you know honey, I did offer myself as slave labor to work off my debt.
He had surgery today and is doing fine. He actually gained an entire pound in the one week between office visits. We girls can't wait to bring him home tomorrow! Secretly I have to admit that he's won John over too.
What's his name you ask? After much Internet research and list making...Kate narrowed it down to only 45 names. I let them pick three names for John and I to vote on. They gave me... Black Blossom, Blackberry and Twilight. I told them they could use both remaining names if we dropped black blossom. So after much serious consideration, the Rapplings would like to introduce their new three legged cat, Blackberry Twilight Rapp.Posted by Picasa

Technical difficulties again???

I am updating my blog out of order. I have to admit that I am a procrastinator. No really I am!!! So I just went back and blogged about our Christmas. If you have a blog reading program it will show you my newest posts even though I back date them. Well I think that's what happens? Not to worry I have tons of great stories from the New Year and I will give you one tomorrow, or well maybe not, how about Wednesday? It will all depend on a three legged cat. Curious now aren't you?


Brainless Banana Pancakes

I love breakfast! I love to make pancakes and waffles from scratch. I received this recipe by email and decided to try it. John looked nervous, the kids excited, the result....as Syd used to say,"TOO-licious" Problem with the recipe, soy milk, we don't do soy milk here's the original recipe and here is my version. These pancakes are a little thicker since I mashed two bananas not one. I cooked them on lower heat and for a little longer than usual make sure your griddle is oiled, bananas like to stick. I also deleted the line that said so sweet and yummy doesn't even need syrup...she has definitely not met my kids and husband.

Brainless Banana Pancakes

1 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 banana, mashed
1 1/4 cups milk
1 tbsp sweetener or sugar
sliced fresh fruit (garnish)

1. In a large bowl, sift the flour and baking powder together.
2. In a small bowl, mash the banana with a fork and add 1/4 cup of the milk, mixing together until there are no lumps. Add the banana, sweetener, and remaining soy milk to the dry mix and stir together until "just mixed."
3. Portion out about 3/4 to 1 cup of batter onto a hot non-stick pan or a lightly oiled frying pan and cover with a lid. Let sit on medium heat until the center starts to bubble and become sturdy. Flip pancake over and cook other side until golden brown. Repeat process until all the batter is gone.
4. Garnish with fresh fruit and maple syrup.

Makes 3 servings. No really it does!
This recipe was a unanimous hit, we even had an extra kiddo around to test it on. Definitely a thumbs up.


Project 365

I am on board with this you can either look at information on this idea on photojojo....or on Creating Keepsakes. The idea of keeping track of little pieces of my regular days makes me happy. By next January I will have quite the collection of photos. Anyone care to join me?


Personal Planner Anyone?

Due to the many friendly requests I've had to teach friends and friends of friends how to make a version of the planner that I made for myself last year. I'm ready to take the leap and have a class/workshop - yep the first in over a year and a half but who's counting.
At the class on January 31st, 10 am
or February 21st, 1 pm
I will provide the following:

2 Clear Plastic Rollabind Covers
8 Large Rollabind Discs in Pink or Green
Lots of Pre Cut/Punched Paper that I will coordinate for you by My Mind's Eye
Corner Rounder EK SUCCESS
Coordinating Ribbons
Calendar Personalized with your name or the name of anyone you choose.
Cost: $35

You will need to provide the class fee $35 in advance(due the 21st Jan. or 14th Feb.)

....contact me about payment by email.

A small stapler and staples - for the ribbon or brads and a Paper Piercing tool if you want to get FANCY!

ADHESIVE - and lots of it. Repositionable is helpful but not required it's up to you. I will not have any available at the class for you to use.

We will have lots of fun at our workshop! Believe me it's fun to make scalloped edges, which you will, while talking, laughing and coordinating the paper and ribbons for the various months. The paper used above will not be available it's two years old and not in my new packs. If you already have a corner rounder one will still be included in the class and the class price, including multiple kits that you order...but would make a wonderful gift to another crafty friend. Hope to hear from you soon. ~Susan

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